
helloooooo august!

Oh my goodness, it's August already!

It may seem a little bit out of the ordinary, but I'd like to think that the extreme shammal we had over the weekend brought in a lot blessings in many people's lives, mine in particular. It reminds me of the hurricanes we get in the Philippines. Some people think it's such a hassle to go through the flood --in Saudi, breathe unbreatheable air-- and grumble about it the whole day. Before, I used to have that same attitude toward rough weather until someone told me:

"You know how priests shower church service attendees with holy water sometimes? Likewise, rain is God's way of blessing us from up above."

And since then, my entire view towards stormy weather has changed. Now I go out and walk in the rain, dance in the rain, drive in the rain, play in the rain, and sing in the rain---the most fun thing to do! Getting only few centimeters of rain here in the sandbox, I suppose it's alright to treat a sandstorm the same way.

It rained on very important days of my life. Such as:
1. The day I took the Philippine Board Exams (June 11 and 12, 2007) passed
2. The day I took my NCLEX-RN in San Francisco (January 22, 2008) passed at 75 questions
3. My first date with my ex-boyfriend (January 29, 2008)
credit goes to him for being such a gentleman. our relationship ended coz of external factors btw
4. The day I landed in Bahrain (April 13, 2009)
coming home is truly a blessing

Although some people may think that these are just mere coincidences, it doesn't hurt to believe in a super power higher than us. I mean Thursday night, as the shammal was calming down, I have met one of the higher-ups of the hospital in camp at a social event. Baba was the one who approached him, who later introduced me to him, that landed me a participation in one of the biggest projects of the Nursing director!

Truly a stroke of good luck as I've been wishing to be more active in hospital activities while still young. Inshallah the group I'm going to work with will like me and I would like the job. So far, I just have to research. Painstaking but rewarding.

I just hope and pray that this shammal brought extra blessings for my love life. It's been a while since I felt loved by someone other than my family and close friends. And it's never easy to get over a break-up, although my ex and I are remaining in contact and have established a good friendship since. (Reconciliation?? Unlikely.)

So yes, please shammal bring home my Arabian Knight.

For those still believe that storms bring nothing but hardship and inconvenience, please remember that behind every storm is a silver lightning.

Be Positive!!

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