
luckiest day of the year ^^

Today happens to be baba's birthday and the wedding day of hundreds, or probably even thousands, of couples in the world. According to the Yahoo homepage, there's a lot of other frenzy going on to celebrate September 9, 2009.

So... what's up?

Well as of the moment, plans are up in the clouds. Last week I felt like I had everything set up already. The venue, cake, and even Chinese delicacies were all chosen and set up, but today it seems like it's all gone to waste. Just as expected, mom threw a h-u-g-e menopausal fit today that may carry on til the afternoon. BUMMER~!

In the car on the way to work, she said: Honey, only you and your dad will celebrate his birthday.. I'm not coming!!!

Huh??? What the........?????????????

It's insaaaaane. I swear, I was walking towards the hospital and my mind just couldn't get anything straight. What am I going to do now? Mom isn't coming therefore her other friends may not come... how about baba's friends? I can't just sit there with a 50+ age group. I need mom to entertain me.

Arabian Knight might be coming... not sure. He was asking me about the time we'd have dinner and I don't know what to say, because baba never had dinner without mom.

Omggggg... what a huge headache, walahi!


evolution of facebook

A couple of minutes ago I received an email on Facebook telling me that I've been tagged in a note my friend wrote. I was excited coz I know this girl writes such amazing stuff and I wondered what she has decided to rant about again.

To my surprise, it was a copy-then-paste quiz about the 'Fancheck' application. The note instructs you to click the link, run the application, and viola! get a list of all your friends who've checked out your profile. Since its advent on the caveman Friendster network, I've left it thinking that it no longer became an online networking service, rather it started becoming a popularity race.

Ex: Omgggg! 55 people have viewed my profile this month... and 30 are drop dead gorgeous!

Get a life. Seriously.

This application completely makes no sense to me. I don't understand why some people actually give in to this crap, because in the first place, you've accepted Mr. X as your friend, therefore you indirectly gave him permission to do anything and everything on your profile. And it is his right to do so btw.

Which brings the topic of responsible Facebook-ing to the table. If you've decided to add this application to your profile, I'm sure that names of people you don't really wanna update your life with will pop up on the list. If you've posted pictures of every single move you've made since the creation of digital SLRs and updated us about everything from the hamburger you've ate for dinner to the perks of sitting on First Class............ Sister, I think you've slipped yourself off the cliff.

On the other hand, some people like this application because they could use it as a way to drop a line on the profile of the person who has visited them. Something like: Aww... thanks for dropping by... How are ya? But, with the way the quiz was written and how some my friends have started taking screen shots of what came out of the application... I don't think that spirit is there.

It's interesting to know why people allow these applications to mess up their online networking freedom. I add friends on Facebook because they mean a lot to me and yes, I do want to be updated once in a while coz I care for them. If the feeling is mutual, I don't understand the need for having a Fancheck profile to destroy lives of people who care and not stalk!

Did the makers ever realize that that their application destroyed the true meaning of networking?