
shopping blues

Thursday afternoon mom and I checked out the sale at Mall of Dhahran. Oh my goodness, it was hugee!! Time allowed us only to visit Marks and Spencer since prayer time was just around the corner. We wanted to check out other stores but yeah... we needed to get back to camp.

While in the car, my mind was starting to hurt as I thought of the missed opportunities in getting a dress with a great bargain price. I looove the energy I get going through racks and racks of discounted merchandise, although I don't grab everything in sight. Believe it or not, there are times when I leave the mall with only 3-5 items I wanted after almost four hours of shopping.

That night I was convincing my mom to go back, but our trip to Bahrain Wednesday night really wiped her out. Friday wasn't much of an option either since we decided to stay in and cook up a great dinner for the family.

So today is the day I've been waiting for.

Mom and I have been talking about on our way to work and it scared me when she started to talk about the money I saved. Mom started saying that I shouldn't put it back in my account in California, rather I should just open an account here in Saudi Arabia or buy something as a souvenir.

A whhat??.... Souvenir??

I can't imagine buying something I don't really need just to tell people that I was able to get something out of my money. My parents just got me another laptop in April and a car a couple weeks ago. What else could I ask for?

Mom suggested that I get a new cellphone. She doesn't like how she's got a touchscreen and I've still got the wornout S700i. She feels bad when my phone suddenly dies during a phone call and how she's gotta wait around 15 minutes to be able to reach me again.

I do admit that my phone's all scratched and outdated, but I still don't get the point of owning a new one that would eventually get scratched and faded as well. My phone has a 2 mpg camera, a reliable memory, and a great sound system. It's almost five years old and yet it hasn't given up on me.

Baba agreed with mom that I should get a newer phone... one that's touchscreen at least. He was suggesting the iPhone and is willing to cover half the price. I told him.. no way! I never felt awe towards that phone. It seemed too much of a luxury. I told both of them that if I were to get a new touchscreen phone it would be the same one baba was. Both of them were thrilled when I said that but I immediately took it back as I told them that it is totally impractical to get such a great phone for my lifestyle.

I mean c'mon... Who would send me an important email that I had to read within seconds of it being sent?????????????

I feel that baba and mom feel a bit uneasy with the twist in lifestyle I've had since I got a job in 2008. I became more practical with money and proudly saved more than fifty percent of my paycheck each month. Mom didn't see the endless line of shopping bags at the doorway nor heard the pleas of checking out the item at the registers.

Now it's: Mom, I already have something like that... why would I need another one?

So now I'm feeling a bit uneasy about going shopping with her tonight. I know I need a couple of blouses to match the black pants I found at the bottom of my closet. It's just scary to think that she'll use the 'If you want it, use your money' line on me as she did a couple of months ago when we went shopping.

So I'm just hoping for the best and praying that I enjoy the time with her while I can. I love seeing mom shop and argue with her while she insists on getting me such an unconventional dress.

Her insisting is a way of telling me how much she loves me and how much fun she's having with me around. Oh I love you mom, you know I do.

(even if I still don't understand why I need another dress to throw onto a pile of fifty already)


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